American Transmission Co. projects

Project website for a Wisconsin-based company that owns and operates the high-voltage electric transmission system that powers communities in portions of the Upper Midwest.

Frequently asked questions


How are ATC’s power lines different from my local utility power lines?

ATC operates power lines between 69,000-volts and 345,000-volts; your local utility power lines carry lower voltages.  ATC power lines move electricity from where it is generated to where it is needed. ATC’s power lines are a set of three wires, called conductors, attached to structures that deliver electric power from generating plants to substations. The power is then distributed to consumers from the substations through lower-voltage distribution lines. ATC’s three power line conductors carry the electric power but may also have one or two smaller wires called shield wires at the top of the structure that protect the line from lightning strikes. ATC’s power lines are designed to operate at a specific design voltage. The higher the voltage, the more electric power a line can carry.

What can I do if I have a question or comment on a project?

Visit the contact section of this website and direct your questions or comments to any of the business departments listed. General phone numbers, emails, and a mailing address are provided. If you have a question or comment regarding a particular project, please provide that in the subject line.

Does the power line affect television or radio?

Power lines do not usually interfere with normal television or radio reception. In some cases, interference is possible at a location close to the utility corridor, due to weak broadcast signals or an abnormal condition on the line. With a line operating at 345-kilovolts, the electrical influence is greater, so the possibility of interference is increased.


Who benefits from power lines?

Power lines benefit everyone—from small business owners and consumers to large industrial users and the towns and communities that grow and thrive every day.

How do power lines benefit the local economy?

Power lines ensure that a dependable supply of electricity remains available for all users. Residential consumers have the affordable electricity they need. Local businesses have the energy they need to expand and create new jobs to remain competitive. And local public health and safety facilities have the electricity they need to provide important services.

Will the presence of a power affect my property value?

Many landowners ask whether the presence of a power line will impact the value of their property. Each property is unique. There are many factors that influence property values and the presence of a power line would be just one of them.

Electric demand

Can electric demand be met through alternative forms of energy production and conservation?

Alternative forms of energy production and conservation are important parts of the electricity equation. But they cannot be relied on exclusively to meet the need for energy.

If we generate more electricity, are power lines still needed?

Electric generation facilities cannot always be built where electricity is needed. Therefore, power lines will always be needed to deliver the electricity from where it’s produced to where it’s needed, connecting generating units to distribution lines.

If we conserve energy will we still need additional power lines?

Building a new line provides certain, quantifiable relief to solve Wisconsin’s reliability problem. Energy conservation is a worthwhile endeavor, but the net impact on energy consumption is subject to a high degree of uncertainty.

Energy conservation will continue to play and important role in our energy future. But, energy conservation cannot reliably deliver the relief that is needed now to keep the lights on. First, to get the same relief provided by the new line, energy conservation would require millions of consumers to make the right decisions about energy use and capital investments every day. Secondly, energy conservation and efficient improvements tend to have a bounce-back effect. That is, when steps are taken to reduce energy consumption, the economic savings are often used to expand businesses or homes or to add additional electrical equipment. While this is good for economic efficiency, it is very difficult to estimate the net impact on electricity usage. It is not unusual for total consumption at an industrial facility to increase over time because the energy use associated with increased production exceeds the reductions gained from energy.

Electric and magnetic fields

What about EMF?

Wherever you find electricity, you’ll also find electric and magnetic fields. You can’t see them, but EMF surrounds you in your home, school, workplace, and on the streets of your city or town. During your daily activities, you are continually exposed to varying levels of EMF. These fields are so weak you can’t feel them. But during laboratory experiments, these currents appear to cause a variety of small, short-term changes in cells by a yet unknown mechanism. Concern focuses on whether these short-term changes can have effects on human health. Most researchers believe that if there is a risk of adverse health effects from EMF it is probably low, but more research is needed, especially on the potential effects.

Electricity flows through a line to get from one place to another—this is called a current. As the electricity flows, it creates a magnetic field around the line—this line can be a power line, a line that brings power into your home or business, or a line that allows electricity to travel in your home to power your appliances. The magnetic field increases with the current, and is called EMF. EMF is strongest near the electricity flow and reduces as you move away from this current. So a transmission line with a large flow or current produces large EMF right at the line. The good news is that these power lines are on tall towers and are constructed away from homes and schools—this helps to reduce the EMF to levels similar to those measured next to some home appliances.

See our electric and magnetic fields page for more detailed information.


Will herbicides be used for weed and brush control around transmission line facilities?

We will use herbicides in areas where the easement agreements permits its use. In general, we attempt to notify landowners when the use of herbicides is planned.

Real estate

Can landowners use the property once the utility builds the power line?

Yes, landowners can use the property for purposes that do not interfere with the operation, maintenance or construction of the power line. However, there are limitations on what can/cannot be done. These limitations are set by several sources including easement rights, National Electrical Code and Wisconsin State Electrical Code. Please contact ATC prior to making any changes to the topography/grade or constructing any improvements within a utility corridor.