ATC proposes new 1.3-mile transmission line, substation in Verona area
Project will help reliably serve Epic Systems load forecast
MADISON, WIS. – American Transmission Co. has filed an application with the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin to build an approximately 1.3-mile, 138,000-volt transmission line and the new Northern Lights Substation, which would connect to the existing Cross Country Substation in Verona. This project will help reliably serve Epic Systems electric needs into the future.
“ATC is proposing to construct a double-circuit transmission line. If approved, the Preferred Route would be primarily constructed underground in road right-of-way,” said ATC Project Manager Mark Sanzenbacher. “The project would also include construction of a new substation and the installation of some communication wires between Verona and the City of Madison.”
If the estimated $21 million project is approved, construction would start in November 2019 to meet an anticipated in-service date of June 2021.
Additional details are available on the PSC website under Docket No. 137-CE-189.