American Transmission Co. projects

Project website for a Wisconsin-based company that owns and operates the high-voltage electric transmission system that powers communities in portions of the Upper Midwest.

St. Martins-Edgewood-Mukwonago Rebuild Project

Project overview

The St. Martins-Edgewood-Mukwonago Rebuild Project is a 14-mile transmission line replacement project. The existing 138,000 volt single-circuit transmission line will be replaced between the St. Martins substation in Franklin to the Edgewood substation in Big Bend to the Mukwonago substation in Mukwonago.

Proposed work

The work involves replacing the conductors and lattice tower structures, which are approximately 90-years-old. New, steel single-pole structures will replace the existing structures and will be placed within a few feet of the existing structures in the right-of-way.

The estimated cost of this project is $25 million and the project was approved in October 2015 by the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin. Additional details about the application are available for public viewing on the PSC’s website under Docket No. 137-CE-180.

Project schedule
File regulatory application with the PSCApril 2015
Regulatory approvalFall 2015
Construction startSummer 2018
Target in-service dateSpring 2019