American Transmission Co. projects

Project website for a Wisconsin-based company that owns and operates the high-voltage electric transmission system that powers communities in portions of the Upper Midwest.

Mount Pleasant Tech Interconnection Project

Project overview

American Transmission Co. is constructing new electric transmission line infrastructure to support the Foxconn development. The electric modifications include:

  • Construct the new Mount Pleasant Substation south of Braun Road along the east side of County Trunk Highway H and Braun Road to provide electrical service for the Foxconn campus.
  • Electrically connect the existing 345,000-volt transmission lines near the development site with two new sets of double-circuit transmission lines (four circuits) along a 1.2-mile corridor to connect to the new substation.
  • Add a second 345-kV transmission circuit to an existing 12-mile transmission line between Racine and Pleasant Prairie.
  • Perform modifications at the Racine and Elm Road substations, and at the Pleasant Prairie switchyard.
  • Connect the Mount Pleasant Substation to the Foxconn-owned substation with an underground 138-kV transmission line.

Need for the project

When the state of Wisconsin developed a contractual agreement with Foxconn in fall 2017, the commitment also led to the need for additional infrastructure to support the 20-million square foot campus. The planned Foxconn manufacturing campus will be the largest manufacturing facility in the country.

With an initial electric load estimate of 200 megawatts, Foxconn is expected to use up to six times more electricity than the next largest manufacturing facility in Wisconsin. The expected electric usage by the planned Foxconn manufacturing facility will require ATC to strengthen the high-voltage electric system in the area by adding a 345-kV transmission line and the new Mount Pleasant Substation.

ATC submitted an application to the PSC in late January 2018, and the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin issued an order on Aug. 8, 2018 approving the project. Construction began in September 2018 and the project is expected to be in service by mid-2020.

The estimated cost of this transmission line and substations project is $117 million. Over the lifespan of the project, the cost is disseminated through electric rates to the five million customers located in ATC’s service area.

Submit application to the PSCLate January 2018
Technical and public hearings Summer 2018
PSC project approvalAugust 2018
Construction beginsFall 2018
Project in serviceMid-2020